Working packages
EuSeME addresses 4 different research topics, which have been addressed in seperate work packages. For each of the work packages a more detailed description is available (except for WP1).

WP1 includes general management and coordination of the action.
WP2 strengthens the current knowledge about the extent of new psychoactive substances (NPS) use in the general population and within specific cohorts (i.e. festivals attendees), with a particular emphasis on illicit and prescription synthetic opioids in Europe.

NPS and Opioids

Crack Cocaine
WP3 provides further insights about the consumption of crack cocaine, and its relation to conventional cocaine use, in various locations across Europe.
WP4 provides a wastewater-based epidemiology method that is as straightforward, cost-effective and reliable for cannabis as for other conventional illicit drugs.


Europe-wide monitoring
WP5 provides a unique Europe-wide data on relevant topics related to illicit drug use, i.e. consumption of NPS, therapeutic opioids, crack cocaine, and cannabis.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Justice Programme under grant agreement Nr 861602.