On this page you can find our deliverables, press releases and publications.
- D2.6 analytical procedure for qualitativ analysis
- D2.7 analytical procedure for quantitative analysis
- D2.8 report on stability of biomarkers in wastewater
- D2.10 Data analysis and triangulation
- D2.11 peer-reviewed papers
- D3.1Literature review report
- D3.2 Analytical method
- D3.3 Leverls of biomarkers in wastewater
- D3.5 data analysis and triangulation with cocaine data
- D4.2 and D4.3 SOP for the sample -pretreatment of wastewater
- D5.6 Data visualisation and triangulation
- D5.7 Been
- D5.7 Boogaerts
- Been et al. - 2021 - Changes in drug use in European cities during earl
- Bijlsma_CAC2020(90)453_482
- pdf Crack submission STOTEN-S-22-06272
- WR-S-22-01668
- Boogaerts T et al. Analytical method for the simultaneous determination of a broad range of opioids in influent wastewater: Optimization, validation and applicability to monitor consumption patterns”. 2021. Analytical method for the simultaneous determination of a broad range of opioids in influent wastewater: Optimization, validation and applicability to monitor consumption patterns - PubMed (
- Bade R. et al. “A Taste for New Psychoactive Substances: Wastewater Analysis Study of 10 Countries”. Sci. Technol. Lett. 2022. A Taste for New Psychoactive Substances: Wastewater Analysis Study of 10 Countries — Arizona State University (
- Salgueiro-González N. et al. “Chapter 4: New Psychoactive substances in “Analytical Methods for Environmental Contaminants of Emerging Concern”, edited by Núria and Ana Maria, John Wiley & Sons, United Kingdom. Analytical Methods for Environmental Contaminants of Emerging Concern | Wiley
- Salgueiro-Gonzalez N. et al. “Investigating the use of fentanyl analogues and other new psychoactive substances (NPS) in Italy through urban wastewater analysis”. Science of the Total Environment, under revision. New psychoactive substances in several European populations assessed by wastewater-based epidemiology - ScienceDirect
- Been F. et al. “Changes in Drug Use in European Cities during Early COVID-19 Lockdowns – A Snapshot from Wastewater Analysis.” Environment International, 2021.Grants: Periodic report (HOME 2019): V1.0 – 01.02.2019. Changes in drug use in European cities during early COVID-19 lockdowns – A snapshot from wastewater analysis - ScienceDirect
- Steenbeek R., et al. “Spatial and temporal assessment of crack cocaine use in 13 European cities through”. Submitted to Science of The Total Environment. Spatial and temporal assessment of crack cocaine use in 13 European cities through wastewater-based epidemiology - PubMed (
- Bijlsma, L. et al. The Estimation of Cannabis Consumption through Wastewater Analysis. 90. Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, 2020.
- Campos-Manãs M., et al. “Analytical investigation of cannabis biomarkers in raw urban wastewater to refine consumption estimates”. Submitted to Water Research. Analytical investigation of cannabis biomarkers in raw urban wastewater to refine consumption estimates - ScienceDirect.
- Boogaerts, T. et al. “Application of Wastewater-Based Epidemiology to Investigate Stimulant Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Use in Lithuanian Communities.” Science of The Total Environment 2021. Application of wastewater-based epidemiology to investigate stimulant drug, alcohol and tobacco use in Lithuanian communities | Request PDF (
- Bade, R., J.M. White, J. Chen, J.A. Baz-Lomba, F. Been, L. Bijlsma, D.A. Burgard, et al. “International Snapshot of New Psychoactive Substance Use: Case Study of Eight Countries over the 2019/2020 New Year Period.” Water Research 193 (2021).
- Bade, Richard, Jason M. White, Maulik Ghetia, Santosh Adiraju, Sangeet Adhikari, Lubertus Bijlsma, Tim Boogaerts, et al. “A Taste for New Psychoactive Substances: Wastewater Analysis Study of 10 Countries.” Environmental Science & Technology Letters 9, no. 1 (January 11, 2022): 57–63.
- Bijlsma, Lubertus, Daniel A. Burgard, Frederic Been, Christoph Ort, João Matias, and Viviane Yargeau. “The Estimation of Cannabis Consumption through Wastewater Analysis.” In Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, 90:453–82. Elsevier, 2020.
- Boogaerts, Tim, Lina Jurgelaitiene, Catalina Dumitrascu, Barbara Kasprzyk-Hordern, Andrew Kannan, Frederic Been, Erik Emke, Pim De Voogt, Adrian Covaci, and Alexander L.N. van Nuijs. “Application of Wastewater-Based Epidemiology to Investigate Stimulant Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Use in Lithuanian Communities.” Science of The Total Environment, February 19, 2021, 145914.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Justice Programme under grant agreement Nr 861602.